Author Archives: Jie Ping

CommPath webtool tutorials

CommPath: inference and analysis of intercellular communications by pathway analysis


Here, we introduce CommPath, an open source R package and a webserver, to infer and visualize the LR associations and signaling pathway-driven cell-cell communications from scRNA-seq data.

Key Features

CommPath has two key features:

(i) it manually curates a comprehensive signaling molecule interaction database of LR interactions, as well as their currently accessible pathway annotations, including KEGG pathways, WikiPathways, reactome pathways, and GO terms;

(ii) it prioritizes both LR pairs among cell types and cell type specific signaling pathways mediating cell-cell communications.


0.Register and login

CommPath needs to be registered. And through your CommPath account, you can easily get the analysis states and the results of your tasks.

1. Upload input files

CommPath requires input of an expression matrix of gene × cell produced from scRNA-seq experiments and a label vector indicating cell clusters.

For example, here are N genes * M cells for P clusters (one row = one cell) with headers:

Cells Gene1 Gene2 …… GeneN Clusters
Cell1 Cluster1
Cell2 Cluster1
Cell3 Cluster2
…… ……
CellM ClusterP

An example of input file is “HCC.tumor.3k.csv”.

2. Run your task

To run a task, four parameters should be selected. These parameters are:

(1) Pvalue. Default = 0.05;
(2) Fold Change. Default = 3;
(3) Species. Now CommPath supports L-R pairs in 3 species, including human (hsapiens), mouse (mmusculus), and rat (rnorvegicus). More model organisms will be supported soon.
(4) Data files, which is your input file in “1. Upload input files” section.

And, click “START CommPath CALCULATION” to run a task.

Then, CommPath will automatically jump to “Task list” section, and the top row shows the task status in real time.

When the task status changed from “In progression” to “Completed”, you can click “VIEW RESULT” and browse the results.

In the “Task list” section, you can also review the results of previously completed tasks.

3. Results

Results for all clusters

Default “Results” page (“Circos” tab page) shows circos of all clusters. The widths of lines indicate the counts (Left plot) or the overall interaction intensity (Right plot) of LR pairs among clusters.

In the above circos plot, the directions of lines indicate the associations from ligands to receptors, and the widths of lines represent the counts of LR pairs among clusters.

Pathway enrichment analysis

CommPath conducts pathway analysis to identify dysregulated signaling pathways containing the marker ligands and receptors for each cluster.

The “GSVA” tab page, shows differentially activated pathways for each cluster.

There are 7 columns stored in the variable ident.up.dat/ident.down.dat:

Columns cell.from,, ligand, receptor show the upstream and dowstream clusters and the specific ligands and receptors for the LR associations;

Columns log2FC.LR, P.val.LR, P.val.adj.LR show the interaction intensity (measured by the product of log2FCs of ligands and receptors) and the corresponding original and adjusted P values for hypothesis tests of the LR pairs or the overall interaction intensity among clusters.

Results for specific cluster

When you focus on some specific cluster (eg. Endothelial), you can select “Endothelial” on the “Cluster” drop-down menu. Then, the circos plot of “Endothelial” will update in “Circos” tab page, as well as L-R associations and signaling pathway-driven cell-cell communications (“LR pairs” tab page).

In the “Circos” tab page, users would highlight the interaction of specific clusters. Here we take the Endothelial cells as an example:

Then network graph tools are to visualize the pathways and associated functional LR interactions.

In the above network graph, the pie charts represent the activated pathways in the selected cells (here Endothelial cells) and the scatter points represent the LR pairs of which the receptors are included in the genesets of the linked pathways. Colors of scatter points indicate the upstream clusters releasing the corresponding ligands. Sizes of pie charts indicate their total in-degree and the proportions indicate the in-degree from different upstream clusters.

The legend of the above network graph is generally the same to that of the previous network plot, except that: (i) the scatter points represent the LR pairs of which the ligands are included in the genesets of the linked pathways; (ii) colors of scatter points indicate the downstream clusters expressing the corresponding receptors; (iii) sizes of pie charts indicate their total out-degree and the proportions indicate the out-degree to different downstream clusters.

dot plot to investigate the upstream and downstream LR pairs involved in the specific pathways in the selected clusters:

pathway-mediated cell-cell communication chain

For a specific cell cluster, here named as B for demonstration, CommPath identifies the upstream cluster A sending signals to B, the downstream cluster C receiving signals from B, and the significantly activated pathways in B to mediate the A-B-C communication chain. More exactly, through LR and pathways analysis described above, CommPath is able to identify LR pairs between A and B, LR pairs between B and C, and pathways activated in B. Then CommPath screens for pathways in B which involve both the receptors to interact with A and ligands to interact with C.


In the above line plot, the widths of lines between Upstream cluster and Receptor represent the overall interaction intensity between the upstream cluster and Endothelial cells via the specific receptors; the sizes and colors of dots in the Receptor column represent the average log2FC and -log10(P) from differential expression tests comparing the receptor expression in Endothelial cells to that in all other cells; the lengths and colors of bars in the Pathway annotation column represent the mean difference and -log10(P) form differential activation tests comparing the pathway scores in Endothelial cells to those in all other cells.

Comparison to another object

“Comparison to another object” tab page, provide useful utilities to compare cell-cell interactions between two conditions, namely case group and control group, such as disease and control. The case group is the current task, and the control group is defined as another task by click “Comparion to another object” drop-down menu. Then, differentially activated signaling pathway-driven cell-cell communications between two CommPath objects is showed.

Here we, for example, use CommPath to compare the cell-cell communication between cells from HCC tumor and normal tissues. We have pre-created the CommPath object for the normal samples following the above steps.

In the above line plot, the widths of lines between Upstream cluster and Receptor represent the overall interaction intensity between the upstream clusters and Endothelial cells via the specific receptors, and the colors indicate the interaction intensity is upregulated (red) or downregulated (blue) in tumor tissues (object.1) compared to that in normal tissues (object.2); the sizes and colors of dots in the Receptor column represent the average log2FC and -log10(P) of expression of receptors in Endothelial cells compared to all other cells in tumor tissues; the lengths and colors of bars in the Pathway annotation column represent the mean difference and -log10(P) of pathway scores of Endothelial cells in tumor tissues compared to that in normal tissues.

4. Download the results

All the results, provided as a zipped package, can be freely downloaded by clicking “Download” buttom on “Task list” section.

Commpath R package instructions


CommPath is an R package for inference and analysis of ligand-receptor interactions from single cell RNA sequencing data.


CommPath R package can be easily installed from Github using devtools:




In this vignette we show CommPath’s steps and functionalities for inference and analysis of ligand-receptor interactions by applying it to a scRNA-seq data (GEO accession number: GSE156337) on cells from hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) patients.

Brief description of CommPath object

We start CommPath analysis by creating a CommPath object, which is a S4 object and consists of six slots including
(i) data, a matrix containing the normalized expression values by gene * cell;
(ii), a data frame contain the information of cells;
(iii), a list containing some important parameters used during the analysis;
(iv) LR.marker, a data.frame containing the result of differential expression test of ligands and receptors;
(v) interact, a list containing the information of LR interaction among clusters;
(vi) pathway, a list containing the information of pathways related to the ligands and receptors.

CommPath input

The expression matrix and cell indentity information are required for CommPath input. We downloaded the processed HCC scRNA-seq data from Mendeley data. For a fast review and illustration of CommPath’s functionalities, we randomly selected the expression data of 3000 cells across the top 5000 highly variable genes from the tumor and normal tissues, respectively. The example data are available in figshare.
We here illustrate the CommPath steps for date from the tumor tissues. And analysis for data from the normal tissues would be roughly in the same manner.

# load(url(""))

This dataset consists of 2 varibles which are required for CommPath input:
tumor.expr : expression matrix of gene * cell. Expression values are required to be first normalized by the library-size and log-transformed;
tumor.label : a vector of lables indicating identity classes of cells in the expression matrix, and the order of lables should match the order of cells in the expression matrix; usrs may also provide a data frame containing the meta infomation of cells with the row names matching the cells in the expression matrix and a column named as Cluster must be included to indicate identity classes of cells.

Identification of marker ligands and receptors

We start CommPath analysis by creating a CommPath object:

# Classify the species of the scRNA-seq experiment by the species parameter
# CommPath now enable the analysis of scRNA-seq experiment from human (hsapiens) and mouse (mmusculus).
tumor.obj <- createCommPath(expr.mat = tumor.expr, = tumor.label, 
        species = 'hsapiens')

Firstly we’re supposed to identify marker ligands and receptors (ligands and receptors that are significantly highly expressed) for each identity class of cells in the expression matrix. CommPath provide findLRmarker to identify these markers by t.test or wilcox.test.

tumor.obj <- findLRmarker(object = tumor.obj, method = 'wilcox.test')

Identification of ligand-receptor (L-R) associations

# find significant L-R pairs
tumor.obj <- findLRpairs(object = tumor.obj,
        logFC.thre = 0, 
        p.thre = 0.05)

The counts of significant LR pairs and overall interaction intensity among cell clusters are then stored in tumor.obj@interact[[‘InteractNumer’]],and the detailed information of each LR pair is stored in tumor.obj@interact[[‘InteractGeneUnfold’]].

Then you can visualize the interaction through a circos plot:

# Plot interaction for all cluster
circosPlot(object = tumor.obj)

In the above circos plot, the directions of lines indicate the associations from ligands to receptors, and the widths of lines indicate the counts of LR pairs among clusters.

# Plot interaction for all cluster
circosPlot(object = tumor.obj)

Now the widths of lines indicate the overall interaction intensity among clusters.

# Highlight the interaction of specific cluster
# Here we take the endothelial cell as an example
ident = 'Endothelial'
circosPlot(object = tumor.obj, ident = ident)

For a specific cluster of interest, CommPath provides function findLigand (findReceptor) to find the upstream (downstream) cluster and the corresponding ligand (receptor) for specific cluster and receptor (ligand):

# For the selected cluster and selected receptor, find the upstream cluster
select.ident = 'Endothelial'
select.receptor = 'ACKR1'

ident.up.dat <- findLigand(object = tumor.obj, 
    select.ident = select.ident, 
    select.receptor = select.receptor)

# For the selected cluster and selected ligand, find the downstream cluster
select.ident = 'Endothelial'
select.ligand = 'CXCL12'

ident.down.dat <- findReceptor(object = tumor.obj, 
    select.ident = select.ident, 
    select.ligand = select.ligand)

There are 7 columns stored in the variable ident.up.dat/ident.down.dat:
Columns Cell.From, Cell.To, Ligand, Receptor show the upstream and dowstream clusters and the specific ligands and receptors in the LR associations;
Columns Log2FC.LR, P.val.LR, P.val.adj.LR show the interaction intensity (measured by the product of Log2FCs of ligands and receptors)and the corresponding original and adjusted p value for hypothesis test of one pair of LR.

CommPath also provides dot plots to investigate its upstream clusters which release specific ligands and its downstream clusters which expressed specific receptors:

# Investigate the upstream clusters which release specific ligands to the interested cluster
dotPlot(object = tumor.obj, receptor.ident = ident)

# Investigate the downstream clusters which expressed specific receptors for the interested cluster
dotPlot(object = tumor.obj, ligand.ident = ident)

Pathway analysis

CommPath conducts pathway analysis to identify signaling pathways involving the marker ligands and receptors for each cluster.

# Find pathways in which genesets show overlap with the marker ligands and receptors in the example dataset
# CommPath provides pathway annotations from KEGG pathways, WikiPathways, reactome pathways, and GO terms
tumor.obj <- findLRpath(object = tumor.obj, category = 'kegg')

Now genesets showing overlap with the marker ligands and receptors are stored in tumor.obj@interact[[‘pathwayLR’]]. Then we score the pathways to measure the activation levels for each pathway in each cell.

# Compute pathway activation score by the gsva algorithm or an average manner
# For more information about gsva algorithm, see the GSVA package
tumor.obj <- scorePath(object = tumor.obj, method = 'gsva', min.size = 10, = 4)

After that CommPath provide diffAllPath to perform pathway differential activation analysis for cells in each identity class and find the receptor and ligand in the pathway:

# get significantly up-regulated pathways in each identity class
acti.path.dat <- diffAllPath(object = tumor.obj, only.posi = TRUE, only.sig = TRUE)

There are several columns stored in the variable acti.path.dat:
Columns mean.diff, mean.1, mean.2, t, df, p.val, p.val.adj show the statistic result; description shows the name of pathway;
Columns cell.up and ligand.up show the upstream identity classes which would release specific ligands to interact with the receptors from the current identity class;
Column shows the marker receptors expressed by the current identity class and these receptors are included in the current pathway;
Column shows the marker ligands released by the current identity class and these ligands are also included in the current pathway.

Then we use pathHeatmap to plot a heatmap of those differentially activated pathways for each cluster to display the highly variable pathways:

pathHeatmap(object = tumor.obj,
       acti.path.dat = acti.path.dat,
       top.n.pathway = 10,
       sort = "p.val.adj")

Cell-cell interaction flow via pathways

For a specific cell cluster, which here we name it as B for demonstration, CommPath identify the upstream cluster A sending signals to B, the downstream cluster C receiving signals from B, and the significantly activated pathways in B to mediate the A-B-C communication flow. More exactly, through LR and pathways analysis described above, CommPath is able to identify LR pairs between A and B, LR pairs between B and C, and pathways activated in B. Then CommPath screens for pathways in B which involve both the receptors to interact with A and ligands to interact with C.

# Identification and visualization of the identified pathways
# Plot to identify receptors and the associated activated pathways for a specific cluster
select.ident = 'Endothelial'
pathPlot(object = tumor.obj, 
    select.ident = select.ident, 
    acti.path.dat = acti.path.dat)

# Plot to identify receptors, the associated activated pathways, and the downstream clusters
pathInterPlot(object = tumor.obj, 
    select.ident = select.ident, 
    acti.path.dat = acti.path.dat)

Compare cell-cell interactions between two conditions

CommPath also provide useful utilities to compare cell-cell interactions between two conditions such as disease and control. Here we, for example, used CommPath to compare the cell-cell interactions between cells from HCC tumor and normal tissues. The example data from normal tissues are also available in figshare.

# load(url(""))

We have pre-created the CommPath object for the normal samples following the above steps. This dataset consists of 3 varibles:
normal.expr : expression matrix for cells from normal tissues;
normal.label : indentity lables for cells from normal tissues;
normal.obj : CommPath object created from normal.expr and normal.label, and processed by CommPath steps described above.

To compare 2 CommPath object, we shall first identify the differentially expressed ligands and receptors, and differentially activated pathways between the same cluster of cells in the two object.

# Take endothelial cells as example
# Identification of differentially expressed ligands and receptors 
diff.marker.dat <- diffCommPathMarker(object.1 = tumor.obj, object.2 = normal.obj, select.ident = 'Endothelial')

# Identification of differentially activated pathways 
diff.path.dat <- diffCommPathPath(object.1 = tumor.obj, object.2 = normal.obj, select.ident = 'Endothelial', = 4)

Then we compare the differentially activated pathways and the cell-cell communication flow mediated by those pathways.

# To compare differentially activated pathways and the involved receptors between the selected clusters of two CommPath object = tumor.obj, object.2 = normal.obj, select.ident = 'Endothelial', diff.marker.dat = diff.marker.dat, diff.path.dat = diff.path.dat)

# To compare the pathway mediated cell-cell communication flow for a specific cluster between 2 CommPath object = tumor.obj, object.2 = normal.obj, select.ident = 'Endothelial', diff.marker.dat = diff.marker.dat, diff.path.dat = diff.path.dat)


R version 4.0.3 (2020-10-10)
Platform: x86_64-conda-linux-gnu (64-bit)
Running under: CentOS Linux 7 (Core)

Matrix products: default
BLAS/LAPACK: /home/luh/miniconda3/envs/seurat4/lib/

 [1] LC_CTYPE=zh_CN.UTF-8       LC_NUMERIC=C              
 [3] LC_TIME=zh_CN.UTF-8        LC_COLLATE=zh_CN.UTF-8    
 [7] LC_PAPER=zh_CN.UTF-8       LC_NAME=C                 
 [9] LC_ADDRESS=C               LC_TELEPHONE=C            

attached base packages:
[1] stats     graphics  grDevices utils     datasets  methods   base     

other attached packages:
[1] GSVA_1.38.2     ggplot2_3.3.5   dplyr_1.0.7     reshape2_1.4.4 
[5] circlize_0.4.13 CommPath_0.1.0 

loaded via a namespace (and not attached):
 [1] Rcpp_1.0.7                  lattice_0.20-44            
 [3] digest_0.6.27               assertthat_0.2.1           
 [5] utf8_1.2.2                  R6_2.5.1                   
 [7] GenomeInfoDb_1.26.7         plyr_1.8.6                 
 [9] stats4_4.0.3                RSQLite_2.2.8              
[11] httr_1.4.2                  pillar_1.6.2               
[13] zlibbioc_1.36.0             GlobalOptions_0.1.2        
[15] rlang_0.4.11                annotate_1.68.0            
[17] blob_1.2.2                  S4Vectors_0.28.1           
[19] Matrix_1.3-4                labeling_0.4.2             
[21] BiocParallel_1.24.1         stringr_1.4.0              
[23] RCurl_1.98-1.4              bit_4.0.4                  
[25] munsell_0.5.0               DelayedArray_0.16.3        
[27] compiler_4.0.3              pkgconfig_2.0.3            
[29] BiocGenerics_0.36.1         shape_1.4.6                
[31] tidyselect_1.1.1            SummarizedExperiment_1.20.0
[33] tibble_3.1.3                GenomeInfoDbData_1.2.4     
[35] IRanges_2.24.1              matrixStats_0.60.1         
[37] XML_3.99-0.7                fansi_0.5.0                
[39] crayon_1.4.1                withr_2.4.2                
[41] bitops_1.0-7                grid_4.0.3                 
[43] xtable_1.8-4                GSEABase_1.52.1            
[45] gtable_0.3.0                lifecycle_1.0.0            
[47] DBI_1.1.1                   magrittr_2.0.1             
[49] scales_1.1.1                graph_1.68.0               
[51] stringi_1.7.4               cachem_1.0.6               
[53] farver_2.1.0                XVector_0.30.0             
[55] ellipsis_0.3.2              generics_0.1.0             
[57] vctrs_0.3.8                 tools_4.0.3                
[59] bit64_4.0.5                 Biobase_2.50.0             
[61] glue_1.4.2                  purrr_0.3.4                
[63] MatrixGenerics_1.2.1        parallel_4.0.3             
[65] fastmap_1.1.0               AnnotationDbi_1.52.0       
[67] colorspace_2.0-2            GenomicRanges_1.42.0       
[69] memoise_2.0.0